Janesville Kiwanis Golden “K” Celebrated 25th Anniversary on October 22, 2008

 The celebration was held at Rotary Gardens in the city of Janesville, with a catered meal for 89 members and guests. The meal was followed by birthday cake, and the singing of happy birthday. A program of memories, achievements, awards, and entertainment followed. 

Our speaker for the evening was former International Kiwanis President, Case Van Kleef. Case spoke of the need for clubs to have leadership to succeed. This is an important item that he reinforced over and over. He talked about the continued effort for maintaining and finding new membership. We enjoyed his message and felt very privileged to have him in attendance. 

At left:

Pat Brinkman    - WI/UM Governor

Case Van Kleef - Past International President

Mary Mennas    - Capital Region Trustee

Marcia Lee        - Div 3 Lt. Governor

Governor Patricia Brinkman from the WI/UM District also celebrated with us. Her message focused on service to children and community and having fun while doing it. When you are asked to help, just say yes! Governor Brinkman also presented Kiwanis insignia desk clocks to Bruce Bell and Jesse Scarborough from the club. Bruce and Jesse are our original charter members who are still active. 

Also in attendance from Barneveld, Wisconsin was Capital Region Trustee, Mary Mennas. We were very pleased that she could also join us for our celebration. Our good friend, and neighbor, Division 3 Lt .Governor, Marcia Lee from Beloit, WI was also with us. She explained

       Pete Kealey          - Kiwanis Co-Advisor

       Courtney Ruebeck - Builders Club VP 

       Chris Kolak           - School Advisor

       Jena Miller            - Builders Club Secretary

The Legion Of Honor award to five members of our club. The awards ranged from 25 years to 45 years. Going back in the history of the club, an overview and review of the IDD project was presented along with a report of the total money earned. A picture of the 16 Hixson award members present at the banquet is at left. 

Entertainment for the evening was performed by Mike Krafjack from Janesville Concertina Partners. He performed a variety of Polka’s, Waltz’s and old time favorites. Mike also gave an interesting monolog about Concertina players in Wisconsin and information that it is a dying art. The latest addition to his concertina line is a hand crafted model that had a 3 year order time, and a $13,000.00 price tag. His music was enjoyed by all. 

Curt Larson

Bruce Bell and Jesse Scarborough

In closing the evening ceremonies, every one was invited back for the 50th anniversary party in 2033!!!

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